Minggu, 13 Februari 2011


Assalammu'alaikuum Warrahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu


Before joining and merging into one in HIJABERS COMMUNITY, which is based at Jakarta, The Capital City of Indonesia. HIJABERS COMMUNITY YOGYAKARTA at first was also a Muslimah Community called HIJABI YK.
"Logo Hijabi Yk NOW Officially belongs to WWW.STREETHIJAB.COM
 Copyright and legal ownership on behalf of Dhatu Rembulan"
Hijabi Yk establsihed on Februari 13, 2011. Formally introduced themselves at Februari 27, 2011 in The "Soft Launching of Hijabi Yk" gathering.

On May 29, 2011 , Hijabi Yk officially merged and stand as an official branch of Hijabers Community in Yogyakarta. On December 11, 2011 HIJABERS COMMUNITY YOGYAKARTA is OFFICIALLY LAUNCHED and was firmly inaugurated by The President of Hijabers Community, JENAHARA NASUTION


  • Division of Public and Community Relations  :
  1. Aldila Rizqi Eistya
  2. Kuning Kinasih  
  3. RA. Atika Diah Sitawati
  4. Vicky Dania
  • Division of  Events :   
  1. Dhatu Rembula
  2. Riska Febriani
Sub Division of Event :
  •  Keputrian :
  1. Zata Yumni Shabrina
  2. Listia Kusumasari N
  • Kemuslimahan / Tausyiah  :   
  1.  Melissa Nurul Fani
  2.  Dina Syarif
  3.  Rizki Anggarda PS
  • Sosial  :
  1. Suci Lestari Yuana
  2. Weli Chintya

Wassalammu'alaikuum Warrahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu

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